

47 posts

J2Live - Online Jinja2 Parser

**J2Live** is a live Jinja2 parser/renderer, you give it template, associated values, click a button and it gives you back wonderfully rendered text. It comes with some cool features, like rendering options, use non-standard filters in your templates, and making non-printable characters visible....

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Working with IP addresses in Python - ipaddress library - part 2

Welcome to the second, and final, part of blog posts showing how to use Python to work with IP addresses. In part one we learned how ipaddress library can help us when working with IP addresses. We then learned about Address and Network objects and operations we can perform on them. Here I'll present Interface object, and its methods, before moving onto module level functions. After that I'll show how we can compare and sort ipaddress objects. We'll finish our journey with the module by talking about validation and exception handling. Working with IP addresses in Python series: Working with...

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Working with IP addresses in Python - ipaddress library - part 1

If you work with computer networks sooner or later you will have to learn how to efficiently work with IP addresses and networks. As you probably guessed from the title of this post, we'll be learning how to create, modify and perform operations on IP objects using Python. Having to manipulate IP objects is common enough that Python ended up with a built in library dedicated to these tasks. It's name is... you probably guessed it, the name of the module is ipaddress. That's right, all you have to do to start working with IP goodness is one line,import...

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